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Intelligent Educational Robots - Toward Personalized Learning Environments

Intelligent Educational Robots - Toward Personalized Learning Environments

von: Stamatios Papadakis, Georgios Lampropoulos, 2024

Format: PDF

Preis: 99,95 EUR

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Intelligent Educational Robots - Toward Personalized Learning Environments

Intelligent Educational Robots - Toward Personalized Learning Environments

von: Stamatios Papadakis, Georgios Lampropoulos, 2024

Format: ePUB

Preis: 99,95 EUR

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Biomedical Robots and Devices in Healthcare - Opportunities and Challenges for Future Applications

Biomedical Robots and Devices in Healthcare - Opportunities and Challenges for Future Applications

von: Faiz Iqbal, Pushpendra Gupta, Vidyapati Kumar, Dilip Kumar Pratihar, 2024

Format: ePUB, PDF

Preis: 190,00 EUR

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Handbook of Diffusion MR Tractography - Imaging Methods, Biophysical Models, Algorithms and Applications

Handbook of Diffusion MR Tractography - Imaging Methods, Biophysical Models, Algorithms and Applications

von: Flavio Dell'Acqua, Maxime Descoteaux, Alexander Leemans, 2024

Format: PDF

Preis: 137,00 EUR

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Autodesk Revit 2025 - Der umfassende Praxiseinstieg für Architekturkonstruktion.Mit zahlreichen Beispielen & Übungsaufgaben

Preis: 59,99 EUR

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Spiele programmieren mit Scratch - Kinderleicht programmieren lernen. 12 coole Spiele für Kinder ab 9 Jahren

Preis: 14,99 EUR

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3D-Konstruktionen mit Autodesk Inventor 2025 - Der umfassende Praxiseinstieg. Inkl. Übungsbeispielen und Aufgaben mit Lösungen

Preis: 44,99 EUR

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Working Smarter with Microsoft Project - Implement effective project control techniques to maximize efficiency and drive successful outcomes

Preis: 25,19 EUR

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Learn Python Programming - A comprehensive, up-to-date, and definitive guide to learning Python

Preis: 32,39 EUR

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AI Product Manager's Handbook - Build, integrate, scale, and optimize products to grow as an AI product manager

Preis: 35,99 EUR

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