von: Prince Nasir Akim Bey

BookBaby, 2018

ISBN: 9780997991826 , 162 Seiten

Format: ePUB

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Life on this planet that we call Earth is regarded to be a mystery by the human race. But it is only a mystery because the interest in finding out the real reason why Earth and its inhabitants exist has been substituted by the enjoyment of the properties that make up life itself. Consieosophy is the knowledge, study, and anatomy of the ethereal being that animates energy through every property of life. It is the knowledge of what life truly is in contrast to what has been proposed to us, and is the process of acquiring knowledge through observation and understanding the world through experience. Now, the ethereal being that this branch of philosophy refers to is the being that lives in every living thing that roams the face of this planet. To better understand the “being,” we must first grasp an accurate understanding of what it actually is. A being is an existence and a presence that cannot be seen by the physical eye but can only be seen through various illustrations of life.
This presence is not only experiencing life through its properties but life itself. Some of the properties of life that you may see this ethereal being illustrate are the human being, the animal being, the insect being, the amphibian being, and the reptilian being. A being is not any particular self-existing entity as you may think. A being is an existence illuminating itself as a presence, and even though the physical eye cannot see it in its entirety, the physical eye experiences a glimpse of this existence every time the human eye is able to look into those he is animating. For example, if you were to look directly into the eyes of an animal that is alive and an animal that is not, you would be able to see an acute difference in their eyes. You can clearly see the spirit of life in the animal that is alive but not in the other one. This also works when you are trying to identify someone. You may perhaps mistake them for being someone else until you are able to look into their eyes and see their actual presence. That part of you that is able to detect this apparent difference is the ethereal presence and actual core of your very existence. It is life observing itself through a different perspective and in a different form of expression. But all in all, it is the same being or presence that is the animation of it all. All the properties of life you believe are not alive, such as the mountains, trees, and the ground, are all alive and living. I would now like you to follow the train of thought I am about to express very carefully. If you take a look at the human body, it is very easy to see what parts are active and what parts are not. The eyes, hands, feet, arms, and legs are all a part of the human anatomy and play a very animated role in its operation, so much so that the determination of life is based upon the animation of these features. Now the ears play a very important role in the existence of the human being, but do not appear to be animate enough. However, the ears are as much alive as the rest of its counterparts because the blood of life circulates through them as well. Now, let us compare this example to that of Earth. Imagine for a moment that the mountains and the ground were like the ears and the nose of a human body. They show no real animation or apparent evidence that they are alive, but we witness their existence everyday. Imagine, if you will, the blood of the human body being indicative to the ethereal being of Mother Earth. The blood circulates through every part of the human body, giving it life. Well, the being, or the life of Earth, does the same to all properties that make up Earth’s existence, therefore the ground, trees, and mountains all possess within them the same life force that the human body has, and that is the ethereal being.
Now this being, or life, flows through every part and layer of Earth’s existence. Everyone and everything is the same in one, and one and the same. There truly is no such thing as individuality in the grand scheme of how things operate. Now, I do realize that the common mind will find this information slightly difficult to digest. But may I submit to you a different perspective on things? The very idea of life is a difficult one to digest when you really think about it. The human being had no desire to exist here and did not have anything to do with being born into this world. And yet, here you are, talking, walking, and living an existence you know little about. The only thing you know for a fact about this existence is that you are going to die one day. Everything else that you believe you know about was told to you either by a scientist, doctor, preacher, a parent, or a teacher. That information was never discovered by you but was given to you by those who were here before you. The majority of that information was based on assumption or a belief. So, when you really think about it, you don’t really know anything at all, and with this being the case, you should be able to find it fairly easy to entertain a process of comprehension that you are not accustomed to.
Life is considered a miracle because the question of how it came to be has never been answered. Therefore life is considered to be an enigma and a phenomenon at the same time. Even though humanity has not yet been able to discover the answer to the miracle of life, you can rest assured that there is one. One of the cardinal reasons why humanity has been able to abandon the quest of acquiring answers as to why we are here, is because the liberal faculties that would aid us in the understanding of this concept has been disabled. The human being has discovered within himself a sense of worth and superiority. Therefore, control and power has become his priority so that this idea that he has of himself can be protected and respected. So, in order to succeed at this, he must first make sure that the other human beings like him never discover who and what they truly are. The organic nature of what the human being is must be compromised and destroyed so that he can be rebuilt to be a carbon expression of what he originally was. Intelligence, then, becomes artificial intelligence, so now instead of the human being using his organic ability to reason, he is depending on someone or something else to reason for him, thus creating for himself a God or a ruler. Now in order for us to be able to discover the mysteries of life, we must be able to do it using the organic ingredients that make up who we truly are. Artificial intelligence cannot comprehend an emotion or a feeling, nor can it comprehend thought and the process of critical thinking. The reason is because those attributes have nothing to do with the physical existence of the human body, but are spiritual attributes pertaining to something that is invisible and intangible. So, in order to unfold life’s mysteries, we have to do it in our original state of mind and organic state of existence. The place that a thought comes from is the same place that you as a living being come from. You see, a thought is an idea or a suggestion, and once that suggestion is entertained it becomes a part of your reality. The actuality of a thought is in your deciding to manifest its intentions into the material world. So what is incomprehensible becomes comprehensible by your decision to bring it into this realm of existence. The ethereal being works in this same fashion; we are nothing more than a thought made tangible. For example, your parents may have decided in their minds that they wanted to have children before you were born, so one day they came together and nine months later you were born. The thought preludes the action before it becomes actual and visible for all to witness.
The human being is nothing more than a thought made tangible. So now the question becomes: what is the life that lives within the human, and what is its makeup? We know there is a life that causes the human to exist because the heart is beating on its own and is not plugged into anything to make that transpire. How can this phenomenon be explained? Allow me to propose the following perspective. We can all agree that the brain is the control center of the body. It is the place where all the commands of the body and its functionality comes from. And even though medical doctors know this, they have yet to entertain the idea as to where the brain is receiving its commands from. For the arms and legs to move, the brain has to give the command to do so. But where is the brain getting its commands from? Here is another perspective: your heart is beating on its own but is not being told to do so. Your body is not plugged into anything, and yet the physical body appears to be able to function independently with no assistance. Now these two perspectives are very important because everything else that shows animation and growth depends on something else. For a television to work it has to be plugged into an electrical outlet, the same with a hair dryer or a microwave. Anything we see in life that has any kind of energy flowing through it is being inspired by some outside influence, and this principle applies to an apple tree and its connection to Earth. So if we can observe this apparent feature throughout all of life’s properties, then we should be able to employ in our thinking the process of trying to discover the human being’s connection for its energy source.
Now to discover the energy outlet that is attached to the physical body, we have to begin at its inception. When a baby is created within the womb, its entire life dependence is based upon the energy source of the mother. The energy output for the baby is transmitted through a cord that connects the two bodies together. The baby’s heartbeat, life sustainment, and well-being are supplied...